Terms of Use

By visiting, using, and/or joining Azdion.com, you demonstrate that you acknowledge and accept these terms.


These are terms that you, the user, must agree to, in order to browse or view any of the content on Azdion.com. By using this website and viewing the content hosted on this website, you agree to abide by these terms.

Age restrictions

You must be at least 13 years of age to use Azdion.com. If you do not meet this requirement, please leave this website and return when you are 13 years of age. This website may contain promotions and advertisements for things we believe will be of interest to our website’s users, and there are legal restrictions regarding advertising to individuals younger than 13 years of age. By using Azdion.com and viewing any of the content on this site, you certify that you are at least 13 years of age.

This website’s content may also include content that is not appropriate for children. Content ratings are provided to indicate what age range is recommended for viewing a given story or work. Some stories and works are rated as 18+ due to their content. By using Azdion.com and viewing any 18+ content, you certify that you are at least 18 years of age.


There are also content guides that attempt to explain what potentially offensive, upsetting, or harmful content may be present within a story or work. It is your responsibility alone to pay close attention to these content guides and content warnings. If you believe certain content may trigger or discomfort you, you are responsible for avoiding it.

Content warnings may consist of general or broad statements (e.g., “cartoon violence,” “coarse language,” “body horror,” etc.). We do our best to describe potentially offensive content, but due to the breadth of these statements, we may not be able to describe specific offensive content in detail or with complete accuracy. It is your responsibility alone to proceed with caution and use your discretion when viewing a story or work.

By viewing content on Azdion.com, you certify that you acknowledge and understand content warnings and discontinue your interaction with a story or work if you believe you may become uncomfortable or have an adverse reaction to the story or work’s content.

Community guidelines

Azdion.com allows visitors to create user accounts, which can be used to interact and post content on the site. This includes posting comments and replies in publicly-visible spaces around the site.

We do our best to monitor user-submitted content, but we cannot guarantee that user-submitted content will be suitable for users of all ages or include appropriate warnings for potentially offensive or upsetting content. By using Azdion.com, you agree that you browse user-submitted content at your own risk.

In general, posting content to Azdion.com requires a user account. Any attempt to post content to Azdion.com without a valid account is strictly prohibited.

By submitting content to Azdion.com, whether in the form of comments or otherwise, you certify that the content you submit is not intended to be inflammatory, offensive, harmful, derogatory, bigoted, or otherwise inappropriate. Similarly, you are forbidden from posting content which is intended to attack, defame, or harass another person. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in account deletion or removal of commenting or other privileges.

Ultimately, we at Azdion.com reserve the right to remove user-submitted content at any time for any reason, with or without explanation. We also reserve the right to delete or edit user accounts at any time for any reason, with or without explanation, if we deem it necessary.


We at Azdion.com are fond of sharing. You may share links to content on Azdion.com, as long as the person(s) you are sharing with abides by these Terms of Use.

You may share content posted to Azdion’s official social media. You may also repost pages, episodes, and portions of other content under the following conditions:

  • Do not repost or create a “mirror” of the entirety or majority of a story or work’s content (e.g., a comic’s entire archive)
  • Do not misrepresent the content or claim the content as your own.
  • Do not publicly share paid or otherwise restricted content.


By using Azdion.com, you certify that the above conditions are met. You are solely responsible for how you use Azdion.com and agree to hold Azdion, Meg James, and L James blameless for any damages or harm if the above terms or conditions are not respected or if these terms are otherwise broken by you, the user.