Cinnabar and Almanac Adventures Week: Camp Fire
posted on Sep 13, 2016 by Meg James
Camp Fire was another episode that more or less wrote itself. In this case, we came up with the title first. I said, “I’m adding ‘Camp Fire’ to the list.” L asked me what that episode was going to be about. I said, “Guess.” L said, “The camp gets set on fire.” I said, “Yeah.” Plotting short films is easy.

A storyboard from Camp Fire, which might even be funnier than the episode’s plot. Almanac accidentally throws a flaming fish in the direction of the camp.
This episode was technically difficult, since I hadn’t considered how I was going to animate fire. In the end, it turned out a little silly-looking, but the orange color still makes it clear enough that it’s fire, even if the shape tweens make it look like possessed butcher paper. At first, I actually forgot the fire in a few scenes, as well as the water that Almanac dumps out of the fish bucket. This confused test audiences (my grandmother). I added it in before saving the final video file, though. I knew I’d forgotten something!
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